Changing Your South African Drivers License To British

2020. 2. 18. 21:32카테고리 없음

I think that the perception that many tourists are targetted by corrupt police (particularly regarding licences) is a little inaccurate. I believe it does happen, but is quite rare.I do agree that there are a number of corrupt police. But they are very wary with international visitors because of the possiblity of formal complaints lodged against them. The licence issue is more directed at local folk driving with fraudulent licences or without the correct documentation and licences (particularly when driving passengers). The cops occasionally set up roadblocks to catch folk with outstanding fines and summons, and with unroadworthy vehicles. Visitors have always been treated with respect, in my experience.I must also point out that some (not all) of the claims of corrupt police have come from dubious sources. If I'm not mistaken, one rabble-rouser lambasted for months before his arrival here, and then was the target of 'corrupt police'.

What a coincidence.But the comments in the previous posts are correct. Edited: 1:19 am, January 11, 2010. As lots of people have confirmed on here, in practice more or less any national licence is acceptable. Any one in the standard EU format will be recognisable by any company and police officers in all tourist areas. However the regulations say it should be in one of the eleven SA National Languages and have your photo. So as no other country isues licences in Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho etc. Or even in Afrikaans, any licence in English with a photo fully complies with regulations.The only possible reason to have an IDP (which also needs a licence to go with it) is as a transalation of your licence if it is in an unusual language.

I was driving to International Airport last week and was stopped near by a black highway patrol officer. As soon as I produced an Australian Driver's Licence, he asked for money. Since we were catching a and did not want to waste time, and plus, who knows what will happen to us if we argue? Get beat up at the police station probably.

We hand over the money and left the scene. Its really horrifying when you think about it, law enforcing personnel breaking the law themselves. They are going to make loads of money comes the world cup.

Hi AK,If you could send me a PM with any identifying information (eg. Patrol number, name badge, registration number, etc.) or even the place, date and time of the incident, I will gladly take the matter up with the relevant authorities.I do understand that this happens occasionally, and I really sympathise with your situation.

These guys do choose situations when they have the best chance of exploiting visitors.There is VERY little chance of you getting beat up at the local police station. No policeman would ever take the chance of an international incident regarding a bribe, I can assure you. You knew that your Australian driving licence was adequate (if you were driving a hired ). So why pay the bribe.I trust that you did know that he was committing a criminal offence, and hope that you managed to get sufficient details to identify him.

Did you ask for his identification? And I trust that you did get a receipt, whether you were in a rush or not. Unfortunately, the handing over of bribes simply contributes to the industry.It's also worth reporting the matter to the South African embassy. I know it is difficult when in a strange country and you are faced with such a situation but I have to agree with Bushkid0. In 10 years of visiting and driving all over I have never been stopped by the police for any reason but if I was stopped and put in the same position as Ak I hope I would react the same way I would at home (in the UK) First I would at all costs remain as calm as possible and be polite.

I would first either make it quite clear that I was noting the any identification info eg Name, badge number etc. If none were visible I would request identification.

Next ask what 'offence' I had committed. Ask for this to be given me in writing and advise that I would require a receipt for any money I agreed to hand over.Being in a at the time I would advise the police officer that that to ensure I did not break the terms of my I would like to phone (assuming I had my mobile with me, as most people do these days) the emergency number for their advice. If you had not committed any offence and the police officer was trying to 'con' you out of money then I am sure he would very early in discussions abandon his claims and wave you on your way. I again, totally agree with Bushkid0 that if incidents are not reported to the authorities then, what are at the moment a very small number if incidents, will increase if they realise they can get away with it.Regarding the original query - IDL - again I have been renting for 10 years on my British licence,originally with the old 'green' paper one and then the newer 'photo' licence. Never had a problem with and the only time I have been involved with the police was after our accident, when for insurance reasons, we had to report the accident and give a statement etc usual formalities and again my British licence was accepted without question.

IntroductionIt is possible to exchange a driving licence issued by an or an EEA member state (Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) foran Irish driving licence. It is also possible to exchange a driving licenceissued by certain recognised states for an Irish driving licence.If your driving licence is issued by a country that is not recognised fordriving licence exchange, you cannot exchange your licence for an Irishlicence. You will need to go through the full driver licensing procedurestarting with the. However, when you have your learner permit, you will only needto take 6 essential driver training (EDT) lessons instead of the usual 12lessons.You can access the on the Road Safety Authority’s website. Brexit and UK driving licencesIf you live in Ireland and have a UK driving licence, your licence will notbe recognised here if there is a no-deal.You should apply to convert your UK licence to an Irish licence before Brexitto ensure that you can continue driving here if this situation arises. For moreinformation on exchanging your licence, see ‘How to apply’ below.

If thereis an agreed Brexit, UK driving licences will continue to be recognised acrossthe EU. The NDLS has a published a useful. Rules Holders of licences issued by an EU/EEA member stateIf you have a driving licence issued by an EU/EEA member state you can drivein Ireland as long as your existing licence is valid.


If you wish to exchangeyour driving licence for an equivalent Irish driving licence when it expires,you must do so within 10 years of your driving licence expiring. Holders of licences issued by a recognised stateIreland has agreements with certain other countries/states that designatesthem as recognised states for the purposes of driving licence exchange.

Theseare:. Australia. British Columbia Province of Canada. Gibraltar. Guernsey.

Isle of Man. Japan. Jersey. Manitoba Province of Canada.

New Zealand. Newfoundland and Labrador Province of Canada. Ontario Province of Canada. South Africa. South Korea. Switzerland. Taiwan.

See the for more information.If you hold a licence issued by one of the states listed above you can drivein Ireland for up to 1 year when visiting, providing your licence is valid. Ifyou become normally resident in Ireland, you should exchange your drivinglicence or begin the process of applying for an Irish driving licence. You areconsidered to be normally resident in Ireland if, because of personal andoccupational ties, you usually live here for at least 185 days in each calendaryear. (EU licence holders do not need to exchange their licences, they candrive on their EU licence for as long as it is valid.)If you wish to exchange your driving licence for an equivalent Irish drivinglicence, Non-EU licence holders must do so within 1 year of their drivinglicence expiring (10 years for EU licence holders). Holders of driving licences from other countriesIf you are not from any of the above countries, (for example, if you arefrom the United States), and you hold a national driving licence and an from your own country, you may drive in Ireland for the duration ofyour temporary visit (up to 12 months).If your stay in Ireland will be more than 12 months you can apply for anIrish driving licence but you will need to go through the full driver licensingprocedure.

South African Drivers License Renewal

You must first complete a andapply for a. When you have your learner driving permit, you will onlyneed to take 6 essential driver training (EDT) lessons instead of the usual 12lessons. Then you must complete your in Ireland.

Ifyou pass your driving test, you will be issued with an. Driving offences committed in other jurisdictionsPenalty points and endorsements on driving licences acquired in other states(including EU/EEA member states) are not recognised in Ireland. This is becausethese penalties have been issued by courts in other jurisdictions. In practice,this means that if you acquired penalty points or an endorsement on a drivinglicence before coming to Ireland, these penalty points or endorsements do nottransfer over to an Irish driving licence. If, however, you have been bannedfrom driving in another jurisdiction (for example, for drink driving) it maynot be possible for you to exchange your existing licence for an Irish drivinglicence.If you are driving on a foreign driving licence in Ireland and acquirepenalty points here, you will receive the normal statutory fine and a recordwill be created to record the penalty points. If you accumulate 12 penaltypoints in a 3-year period you are disqualified from driving in Ireland. How to applyYou have to apply in person to one of the of the.

Changing Your South African Drivers License To BritishUk driving licence

You do nothave to provide photographs with your application but you do need to bringphotographic ID, proof of your residency entitlement, evidence of your PPSNumber and proof of address with you in order to confirm you are the person whois exchanging your driving licence. See ‘Proof of identity’ below.You apply to exchange your driving licence using driving licence applicationform (D401) which is available from NDLS centres, driving test centres, drivingtheory test centres and Garda stations. You can also as well as.Your completed application form must be accompanied by the following:. Your driving licence. If your driving licence is lost or expired, youneed a letter of entitlement from the licensing authority in the state thatissued your licence.

A Driving Licence Medical Report Form may be required (see below). A Driving Licence Eyesight Report Form may be required (see below). The appropriate fee - see Rates aboveIt may take up to 3 months for your licence to be exchanged, as the NDLSmust verify each foreign licence with the country that issued it.

Medical report formYou will require a Driving Licence Medical Report Form if:. You are applying for C, C1, D, D1, CE, C1E, DE or D1E. You will be 70 years of age or more on the first day of the period forwhich the licence is being issued. You have any of certain disabilities or conditions (see applicationform).You can (it must be printed back to back on onepage). It is also available from NDLS centres.

A registered medicalpractitioner should carry out your medical examination and then complete theform. You must sign the declaration on the medical report form in the presenceof the registered medical practitioner. It must be submitted within 1 month ofthe medical examination. Eyesight report formYou will require a Driving Licence Eyesight Report Form if you areexchanging a driving licence that was not issued by an EU member state. You can(pages 1 and 2 should be printed back toback on one page). It is also available from NDLS centres. It must be submittedwithin 1 month of completion.